Since childhood, I have played many samurai games and swung my sharp swords against my enemies. I get impatient whenever I see some new title starting the samurai, so I buy them and play the game. And I hope you share the same enthusiasm for the samurai game. If you do, then you have found the right article.  So, In this article, I’m listing down the best samurai games that are amazing and entertaining the play. I hope you pick up all the games that I have mentioned below. 

Best Samurai Games

The fast-flowing, energetic, full-on adrenaline rushing with the in-depth character and an alluring plot is very hard to find. There are very few games that really capture the honest and fantasized depiction of samurai. So, I have considered all the component that integrates to deliver the wholesome samurai games and listed down below. 

Ghost of Tsushima

I was in complete awe when I first started playing Ghost of Tsushima. My experience was similar to being in a samurai movie, where I was the main protagonist responsible for protecting the island I lived on. And the plot bound me so much that I was invested in every possible part of the game.  On Tsushima Island, there lived an amazing, methodical warrior who was the best at what he did, and he adored the culture and the teachings that made him the best warrior on the island. The island was the most beautiful place to live, crowded with the best warrior and regular people. But the happiness was short-lived after the Mogul fighter led by Khotun Khan attacked the island and killed everyone except our main protagonist.  Now, the last samurai must be prepared, learn new techniques, and learn the ways of the death to recapture his island and take revenge for the massacre and blood. The island is the most vibrant, beautiful place to reside, and the attention to detail was so meticulously done that you almost forget you are playing the game. And nature, the world full of greenery with soothing rivers, is a treat for the eye. And this is an open world, so you will have the best time playing this amazing game. I hope you will pick up the game.

Total War: Shogun 2

I was open-mouthed and flabbergasted while playing this amazing game. In the back of my mind, there was only thought ruminating about how this game made possible the balance between the strategy and RPG elements. And the surreal feeling you get when you first conquer the clan is too awesome to explain. Set in the 16-century Sengoku period of Japan, for power and ownership, the country was divided into various fractions and ruled by the great kings and dictators. In this world, conquering a new clan and claiming the warrior makes you stronger and better than eventually preparing to attack the bigger and stronger clan. Here, You can control the king of the clan, you can also control the army, and you can also put on the in-game strategy if the attack goes haywire. And in this game, keeping a diplomatic relationship is the key. You need to maintain the relationship with your friends and try not to attack them, blinded by the powers and land.  I highly recommend this game to everyone I know, including you, as this game has so much to offer and gives you a wholesome gaming experience.

Nioh 2

This is a very unforgiving game to play and maybe sometimes frustrating also. But there is a great leaving curve, making it worth playing this amazing game. I don’t even remember how many times I have died in this game, but I can assure you that there was a great lesson learned, and it improved my gameplay to move forward. Nioh 2 is a prequel to one of the best samurai games, and this game reveals all the plot entanglement and interwoven stories of the Siege of Osaka. And unlike its predecessor, you can now choose your character style, go into the battle, and smash all the inhumane things and deadly creatures. And the amazing part of the plot is how the creator managed to incorporate the real war heroes of japan into this plot.  As a role-playing action game, this delivers one of the best action set-pieces; the combat style is surreal and sometimes demanding too. And with the plethora of exciting loot drops, you can pick up the best swords and weapons and go on a killing spree. Also, sometimes you can summon the other players to assist you in the battle. 

For Honor

I believe the game perfectly understood the nuances of the melee-based action games and delivers, I guess, one of the best addicting and entertaining action games. I was so into the brutal action set pieces, the unforgiving battle sequences filled with blood and dirt. The complex mechanics of combat seems simple at the start, but gradually it becomes tougher and tougher and makes this game more rewarding.  This game offers various historical warriors and heroes to choose from. Knights, samurai, and Vikings are the three fractions in the game. And each fraction has Vanguard, an assassin, Heavy, and Hybrid. The attributes and combat styles of each of them are completely different from one another. The main principle of this game’s combat is to stay alert, stay mobile, and take fewer hits.   While you are in combat, there are various options to choose from. From the interaction with the environment for more damage, a series of complex dodges, and combo chains, you have many things to try and explore.  I hope you play this game. This is one of the most exciting games in this genre and gives you wholesome entertainment.

Warriors Orochi 4 

Warrior Orochi is one of the most beautiful, fun, entertaining, and overall great games to play. And I was overwhelmed by the series of content and variations and game options. There are 170 warriors and samurai to choose from for the game. As a Japanese fighter games fan and an admirer, this game really gives one of the best gaming experiences you can have in this genre. This game picks up after the events of the Warriors Orochi 3. Zeus summons the warrior of the Three Kingdoms and the Sengoku period and assigns them a new task which seems very unclear in the initial runtime of the game, but gradually you will know the intent. The unparallel world comes and blends into this world as the gods of Greek mythology and Norse mythology also come into the picture. 

Katana Zero

Don’t be fooled by the minimal graphics of this game and scrap this game as just a regular game. It is not. Katana Zero is a fast-paced, brutal action hack-and-slash adventure game. I had a thrilling time playing this game. This game has replayability, so whenever you feel bored, you can install this game and get into the bloody and aggressive world of Katana Zero. You play as an unfortunate nameless assassin who is bad with memory. Still, the title amnesia does not stop him from signing the contract to assassin the various players in the game. Furthermore, he can manipulate time and foresee the future. In the game, the player is assigned to assassinate Zero’s psychiatrist. The action is fast-paced and blood-swelling and gives you one of the best gaming experiences. The one-hit-dead combat is very exciting and easy. You can slow time, dodge the swords and bullets and move further with the plot. And I want personally liked the slow-motion action sequences in the game. I assure you that you will have the time of your life playing this adrenaline-pumping game. The sheer enthusiasm you feel when you one-hit kill the enemies is so exciting. I hope you play this game.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

This may be the most violent and gory game I have played recently. The utter excitement to slash the bosses and their minions is so much fun in this game. I believe this action game really holds up the plot and amazing combat sequences with brutal deaths meticulously to offer an exciting gaming experience. Set in the 1500’s Sengoku Era Japan, An unnamed shinobi is charged to protect his lord, who was left for dead by the deadly samurai. Our player must battle and must evolve and be stronger to save his lord. The plot and the world-building are highly influenced by Japanese folklore and Buddhist traditions. So, the graphics and the imagination of this game are too beautiful yet too upheaval by the war.  You need to journey with the character slowly as you need to understand his ability, his upgrades, slowly moving up in the skill tree to advance to the stronger bosses. In the game, sword skill and combat are the biggest weapons to move up to the bosses rather than resources.

Samurai Warriors 5 

This is the new and improved addition to the Samurai Warriors series. As a huge admirer of the Samurai Warriors series, I was very happy to get this game and play it. And I was pretty much happy after I played this game on my console.  Samurai Warriors 5 is a hack and slash action game where the main protagonist goes against hundreds of enemies and kills them to move forward to find the main bosses and kill them. You must swing your swords at the right time, and use your combo moves to kill the enemy army. The campaign is almost 30 hours long as the game narration moves and splits into two to get into two main characters in the game. And sometimes your progress halts because of the limitations story of the character or lack of resources. This is a very fun game to play and enjoy. It is not the hardest of the game to pick, and it assures you a fun time during the playtime.

Samurai Warriors

I still remember the utter excitement when I first played this amazing game. My brother and I hit all-nighters playing this game as if it were a completely out-of-the-world game for us. Despite this being the old game, this game still holds as one of the best samurai games, and sometimes, I visit this game. Samurai Warriors is a hack and slash game with one of the most exciting gameplay and amazing graphics that still hold up. In this game, you play as an officer on the battlefield. You must defeat the herds of enemies and win them over to fight the stronger enemies as you move up the ladder. This game features an array of skills to win the game, and the combo mechanics is too cool and powerful. This game has almost fifteen characters to choose from, and almost all of the characters have a historical background to them. But initially, only five players are unlocked in the game, but as you move through the levels, you slowly unlock various players. After you unlock them, you can pick them and upgrade them to fight against the stronger enemies. 

GetsuFumaDen: Undying Moon

I was expecting too much from this game, and this game delivers the right amount to offer an entertaining gaming experience. It was a fun ride till it lasted. And I had a great time playing this game.  This is a hack-and-slash rouge-like Metroidvania game where the player controls the Fuma and guides him as you move through the map; you gather new weapons and sub-weapons and use them whenever you want them. The new and powerful weapons play a crucial part in the game as some are very fast and cause great damage to enemies. Furthermore, the level is fairly easy, but you may die a lot. When you die, you restart from the start of that level, so you need to give full attention to the game. I really hope you pick up this amazing game and have a wonderful and chill time playing this game.

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